Gumbo Square Band

Gumbo Square Band

Despite the recent events which have hit the music industry, the Gumbo Square Band has stayed to its road map. Today, the group can boast of having three albums and singles produced as well as a partnership with a distribution platform, a web page with an online store. The group’s commitment to noble causes remains intact, as the latest production “Fly Away” clearly demonstrates. We therefore invite you to continue our journey together.

An Ancient Pandemic: Sex Trafficking in all its forms. As speech is silenced, so are the victims.

Giving them their voice is the start of giving them their freedom to fly away. We can turn this scourge around, revealing the crime. We can help to set them free…………

We dedicate our new release, Fly Away, to the victims of Sex Trafficking…

Photo by @njayphotography.

#flyaway #GumboSquareBand #SGHumanitarianConsortium #endsextrafficking #givethemtheirvoice #shippingcontainers #evergreen #kidnapping #AmberAlert #English #rock

#GumboSquareBand #SGHumanitarianConsortium #roadmap #commitmenttosocialcauses #joinus #thejourney



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